Financial results - SIG EUROTRAFIC S.R.L.

Identification data, financial results - Sig Eurotrafic S.r.l.

Unique identification code: 21744046
Registration number: J40/9452/2007
CAEN: 4690
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
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Sales, Profit, Employees, Debts, Capitals, Financial Results - Sig Eurotrafic S.r.l.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sales - EUR 108.653 113.391 175.502 139.185 140.132 143.922 145.275 155.483 137.668 494.300
Total Income - EUR 108.844 113.620 175.731 139.475 141.931 144.018 145.337 155.802 139.311 494.865
Total Expenses - EUR 99.124 98.162 138.173 117.595 115.900 122.639 123.870 129.324 109.347 450.720
Gross Profit/Loss - EUR 9.720 15.459 37.558 21.880 26.031 21.380 21.467 26.478 29.964 44.145
Net Profit/Loss - EUR 8.251 13.086 32.086 20.509 24.613 19.940 20.114 24.923 28.604 39.943
Employees 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
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Financial Rating -
Sig Eurotrafic S.r.l.

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Limite de plata

Payment Limits -
Sig Eurotrafic S.r.l.

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Probabilitate de insolventa

Prob. of insolvency -
Sig Eurotrafic S.r.l.

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Rapoarte financiare

Financial Reports -
Sig Eurotrafic S.r.l.

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Debts, Equity, Inventories, Receivables, Accounts, Assets - Sig Eurotrafic S.r.l. - CUI 21744046

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Fixed Assets 117 64 591 959 577 208 2.102 2.381 1.641 5.458
Current Assets 108.065 116.934 59.252 57.085 58.346 59.026 52.641 54.208 65.606 229.222
Inventories 15.463 17.985 18.669 18.470 14.950 14.849 14.229 24.370 24.889 117.895
Receivables 25.379 7.761 31.798 20.403 14.073 8.288 8.750 1.808 38.591 68.259
House and accounts 67.223 91.187 8.785 18.211 29.323 35.889 29.663 28.030 2.126 43.068
Own Capitals 77.427 91.159 32.139 20.561 24.664 19.991 20.164 24.971 28.652 47.589
Social Capital 45 45 45 44 43 42 41 40 41 200
Liability 30.946 26.927 27.909 38.960 34.396 39.748 34.953 32.030 39.130 190.575
Income in Advance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exchange rate - RON 1 4.9315 4.9468 4.8371 4.7454 4.6535 4.5681 4.4908 4.445 4.4821
Main CAEN "4690 - 4690"
CAEN Financial Year 4690
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