Identification data, financial results - Metropolitan Life Societate De Administrare A Unui

Unique identification code: 22080817
Registration number: J40/13196/2007
CAEN: 6530
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
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Indicatori Financiari Alte Tipuri Juridice - SOCIETATI PENSII PRIVATE

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
CAEN 6530 6530 6530 6530 6530 6530 6530 6530
Active imobilizate – total 75.675.590 73.606.926 85.631.142 97.067.608 143.521.117 176.669.410 224.257.658 247.120.901
Provizioane 13.944.963 18.472.315 27.482.032 38.573.586 67.597.975 101.148.984 133.010.901 151.440.327
Capitaluri proprii – total, din care: 44.868.618 55.154.382 58.415.467 61.144.582 92.756.728 110.284.183 119.169.562 112.188.791
Capital social subscris varsat 26.414.406 26.414.406 26.414.406 26.414.406 94.561.700 94.561.700 94.561.700 94.561.700
Cifra de afaceri neta 35.752.322 44.025.788 55.481.180 64.653.506 41.306.836 62.089.775 79.118.964 44.693.129
Venituri totale 39.887.872 51.219.753 60.936.352 70.643.821 48.746.035 76.742.630 92.824.474 70.011.424
Cheltuieli totale 19.523.591 19.979.773 27.668.183 35.825.716 55.833.889 57.505.272 71.691.625 60.327.494
Rezultatul brut Profit 20.364.281 31.239.980 33.268.169 34.818.105 0 19.237.358 21.132.849 9.683.930
Rezultatul brut Pierdere 0 0 0 0 7.087.854 0 0 0
Rezultatul net Profit 17.374.474 26.642.024 28.341.111 29.447.295 0 17.527.455 18.363.113 8.190.808
Rezultatul net Pierdere 0 0 0 0 7.087.854 0 0 0
Active circulante – total, din care: 1.767.296 2.363.170 3.185.768 6.230.651 18.337.226 37.693.548 29.937.227 17.779.155
Numar mediu de salariati 25 27 32 32 28 32 31 36
Stocuri 6.554 5.998 1.446 147 547 327 219 122
Creante 1.720.654 2.193.243 2.780.057 3.499.259 4.538.944 5.405.627 4.858.514 3.881.796
Investitii financiare pe termen scurt 0 199 139 2.146.255 12.716.690 31.247.101 24.223.182 10.687.547
Casa si conturi la banci 40.088 163.730 404.126 584.990 1.081.045 1.040.493 855.312 3.209.690
Cheltuieli în avans 32.383 8.169 14.176 35.277 43.023 32.641 31.298 41.050
Datorii 18.661.688 2.351.568 2.933.587 3.615.368 1.546.663 2.962.432 2.045.720 1.311.988

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